Sunday 27 January 2013

Our 'Big Project'

So, this year me and my friend Amy decided we are both going to start blogs so we have something to do with our time instead of wasting endless hours trying to work out who 'A' is in them long 7 days while we wait for the next episode of Pretty Little Liars to come out!
We also decided it would be a challenge aswe were little we used to always come up with big projects like...
  • Setting up a detective club. We decided to do this after we became obsessed with TV programmes like 'MIHigh.' For our first case we attempted to work out who wrote that our head teacher was a smelly cow on the door of the Key Stage 3 toilets. We never did work out who did it though we took it VERY seriously. Especially when we took the finger prints of my whole family using these special finger printing sheets that my dad brought us home from work!
  • Planning out our entire life! On long walks with our family me and Amy used to always walk at the back and go into deep discussions planning how we would live when we were 'grown ups.' We decided that would marry twins and our families would live next door to each other. I would have a house full of cats and she would have a house full of dogs. Of course we're still planning on doing this!;)
  • And like all little girls we also had the stage where we wanted to become amazing ballerinas just like 'Angelina Ballerina'...

However unfortunately me and Amy never managed to become famous detectives who lived next door to each other with thousands of dogs and cats. We never even managed to become professional ballet dancers even though we seemed to be taking it very seriously in the picture above. 
One project that I really do hope that we both manage to keep up is writing blogs!
So we really would love it if you followed both me and Amy and made sure that we keep posting and then hopefully we will complete at least one of our big projects!
Zoe x